Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dental Implant Dentist

If you are missing a few teeth and feel the best solution is implants then you will soon be looking for a dental implant dentist. Before you hit the yellow pages here are a few tips for finding an excellent dental implant dentist.

Board Certification

The first thing you must realize is that any dentist with a degree can do implants. At the same time you should know that the best results come from professionals who are specially trained in the surgical field. You will want someone who is board certified working on your mouth.

To become board certified a dentist must complete special surgical training and then undergo rigorous testing and retesting of their skills. Some dentists undergo as much as three years of extra training to become thus certified and that is on top of their four years of dentistry school! This has given a dentist special training in surgery and other specialties but not necessarily implant training.

Implant Training
It is a scary thought that a dentist can take a weekend to learn a procedure as complex as dental implants, but they do it all the time. You will want to ask your prospective dental implant dentist just how much training on implants that they have aquired, this includes asking about continuing education.


The next very important question to ask is how much practical experience does this dental implant dentist have? How many years and how many patience has this dentist performed dental implant procedures? Will this dentist share with you any before and after shots of procedures performed by him or her?

Convenience Factor

Now that the important part of the equation is out of the way you can refer to more subjective criteria to choose your dental implant dentist. How handy is the office to wear you live or work? If you have narrowed your choice to a few dentists you could choose the one most convenient to your lifestyle.


The final criteria you will look at for choosing a dental implant dentist is price. Now you should know up front that these kinds of procedures will cost you a bundle and at this point there are few if any insurance companies that will pay for dental implants. Be very frank when asking about the cost, it is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. Besides don't you want to know if someone has artificially inflated the price on you?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Dental Implants

New dental implants are all the rage in cosmetic dentistry. Every where you turn you can find advertisements for dentists willing to do new dental implants, for a hefty fee of course. Dental implants have become so popular because they do one thing dentures can never do, turn back time!

New dental implants are the closest thing you can get to turning back the clock to a time when your mouth was full of pearly whites. Unlike dentures implants are a permanent solution that is the closest you can get to real teeth. So what exactly are dental implants and why would you want to get them?

In order to get a new dental implant you must first be considered a good candidate. In some cosmetic dentistry offices this is going to mean you are a non-smoker. Smoking increases the failure rate of cosmetic dental implants and many dentists feel it is a waste of time to implant them when they will likely need to be removed.

Other candidacy issues include the health of your gums, extent of procedure (one tooth or many) and the amount of bone that is available to attach them to. If you have a jaw bone that has been worn down for whatever reason your chances for receiving new dental implants successfully just went down. Before you can have implants you will need bone grafts to build the jaw bone up enough to support the implants.

It would be nice if you could look in the mirror and determine for yourself if you are a good candidate for new dental implants, however this is something only a professional dentist can determine. Check back later for updates on pricing and how you can get new dental implants and a vacation for a bargain price!